Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Different Types of Scholarships

By: Leroy A. Binns Ph.D.

An array of scholarships is currently accessible to adults seeking a college education. Most commonly recognized are academic programs that reward the brightest and the best but comparable assistance also incorporates athletic, minority and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender fellowships as well as endowments defined by subject classification.

High achievers from secondary schools across the country usually embark upon a college career with the assistance of free financial aid based on scholastic achievements and extra-curricular involvement prior to admissions. The nature and types of awards vary dependent on performance and degree program and college/university selection and are extremely competitive.

Talented young performers in the area of sports who seek to combine such activities with formal studies are often times candidates for NCAA scholarships at division I, II or III institutions. This privilege covers sporting events such as basketball, baseball, football, cross country, golf, track and field and tennis and is also made available to eligible journalism majors under the Freedom Forum NCAA Sports Journalism Scholarship Program and the NCAA Ethnic Minority and Women’s Enhancement Postgraduate Scholarship.

In an attempt to expand the opportunities afforded by a college education, federal, state, professional organizations, private endowments and corporate donors and colleges and universities provide minority awards. Such may be classified by race and gender as is the case with African-American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, interracial and women specifications. This umbrella may also encompass individuals of multicultural, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender orientations and is traditionally geared towards embracing the above mentioned parties in underrepresented fields of study inclusive of but not limited to the sciences, math, engineering, law, medicine and business.

Emphasis may also entertain a growing presence of Native Americans on college campuses, the return of minorities to college to complete undergraduate or graduate degrees and courtship of children of gay and lesbian parents endorsed by the First Breakfast Club Scholarship. Moreover attention transcends race, gender and sexual persuasion. Pioneer Juniata College, a small liberal college in Pennsylvania grants awards to left handed students while Little People of America offers similar assistance to pupils who are 4 ft or shorter.

The demand to enhance a superior work force fuels donations for grants by subject. Such provisions are provided for students in engineering, aerospace, chemical and material science, nursing and auxiliary health care and teaching/education. Likewise majors in communications, library information, physical and life sciences, forensic accounting and organizational leadership and entrepreneurship obtain compatible aid.

Proceeds for the lottery tickets have enabled states to challenge talented students with merit scholarships. Although duplicating a service offered by other services their involvement primarily through state colleges and universities and other state based institutions is crucial in establishing funds for low income students, high end fields of study and non traditional students or community college students. In addition equally as important as partners in education are civic organizations and clubs that channel boys and girls scout, political, religious and veteran and disability scholarships among others.

The results of such ongoing tangible sustenance speak volumes of our personal and national advancement nonetheless it remains a constant reminder of the distance not traveled.

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